Leverage our team of experts for your next initiative

Custom solutions tailored to your needs.

Lead Generation

Lead reports containing contact details for a curated list of decision makers at your target companies

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Get emails, direct dials, and Linkedin URLs
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The most comprehensive B2B lead database covering all industries and companies
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Launch your next marketing campaign with precision

Linkedin Services

Our LinkedIn monitoring service offers unparalleled insights to help you stay ahead in the business landscape. We track crucial metrics, monitor employee retention, and keep you informed about your competitors' hiring trends. Whether you're targeting specific individuals, companies, or industries, our live updates provide you with real-time data to drive informed decisions.

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Gain a deep understanding of your company's employee retention rates and patterns, allowing you to implement strategies to retain top talent effectively.
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Stay up to date with your competitors' hiring activities and strategies, enabling you to adapt and compete more effectively in the talent market.
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Provide us with your target individuals, companies, or industries, and we'll keep a vigilant eye on changes and growth, delivering live updates directly to you.

Search Engine Page Results

Unlock the Power of SERP Analysis at Scale with Our Expert Services!

Are you looking to analyze search engine results on a massive scale? Whether you need to run a million searches or more, our dedicated team is here to handle the heavy lifting and provide you with comprehensive, actionable insights.

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Analyze paid and organic results to find the right keywords for your advertising campaign
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Build custom datasets by leveraging the wealth of information available on search engines
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Track SERP performance to gather data on how well your content is performing and make the right adjustments to your SEO strategies

Product Tracking

StrataCo's competitor tracking services monitor product prices and discounts, offering real-time alerts for informed decision-making.

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Stay updated with live pricing data for accurate market analysis.
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Identify and analyze discounts to fine-tune pricing and marketing strategies.
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Set personalized notifications to respond quickly to market changes, ensuring competitive advantage.

Completely Custom Solutions

Don't see a data feed that you might need? Let's work together to find the data you want.

See Our Solutions
Custom data solutions

Tailored to Your Needs

Meet with our data science experts to define exactly what your company is looking for.

Custom analysis

Custom Aggregation


Data alerts

Trend Alerts

Sales, Employment, and any other trends you are looking for